巴基斯坦國際機床及五金工具展覽會-Machine Tools & Hardware ASIA是巴基斯坦最大的機床及五金工具展,在南亞地區享有盛譽。巴基斯坦機床及五金工具展以向巴基斯坦及周邊地區客戶提供和展現新技術、新設備為目標,展會聚焦了巴基斯坦及周邊國家的大量機床及五金工具貿易觀展商。該展會已成為巴基斯坦供需雙方的B2B大合作平臺,也是國際展商開拓巴基斯坦市場的絕佳平臺。此次展會將為已經進入巴基斯坦市場的企業深入發展業務關系,以及為即將進入巴基斯坦市場的企業提供一個絕佳的交流、合作及貿易平臺。巴基斯坦機床及五金工具展由巴基斯坦著名展覽公司也是UFI會員的Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd舉辦。上屆展會吸引了來自中國、日本、迪拜、阿聯酋、卡塔爾、伊朗、印度、印尼、馬來西亞、中國臺灣、比利時、荷蘭等國家和地區的500余家展商及25000名專業觀眾,展出面積約20000平方米。
Offering opportunity bringing the all sector under the same roof, access opportunity to a wider customer portfolio in the industrial range which aim to increase production efficiency and competition, are expected to come from across different regions and surrounding countries.
A useful opportunity for catching up with the latest industry news and products: An intense day for exhibitors and visitors alike, who can meet up with contacts old and new, and develop new and exciting business opportunities.
The exhibition is focus for manufacturers of hardware, tools and technical equipment, and for professional distributors: retailers, wholesalers, purchasing managers and decision makers working in the industry.
A way to monitor competitors and collect market information.
A great platform for brand exposure and recognition.